Newcastle's protest - expressing outrage at Israel's killing of 20 peace activists taking aid to Gaza - is TOMORROW (Tuesday) at 5pm.
We'll be gathering at Grey's Monument: condemning Israel's murderous violence, showing solidarity with the Freedom Flotilla, and demanding the UK government speaks out and takes action against Israel.
See FACEBOOK page.
Hundreds of protestors have this afternoon demonstrating at Downing St at short notice. Tens of thousands have protested in Turkey. There is a wave of protests around the world.
PM David Cameron, Deputy PM Nick Clegg and Foreign Secretary William Hague have shamefully remained silent about this atrocity. This country is a loyal 'ally' of Israel - we should hold our own government to account and demand they condemn Israel's actions unconditionally, and stop selling arms to Israel.
Small things YOU can do to help:
1. If you're on Facebook: post the Event to your Facebook page, invite friends via the Event page, make it your status update that you will be attending.
2. Let people know in other ways: Email, text or phone friends and contacts to make sure they know about this protest. Please let people know even if you are unable to attend yourself.
3. Email key politicans like Nick Clegg and William Hague, and lobby your MP. See HERE for contact details: http://stopwar.org.uk/content/view/1906/1/
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