
Monday, 22 September 2014

Full programme for North East People's Assembly - Newcastle, Saturday 1 November 2014

The 1st North East People's Assembly, in September 2013, attracted 500 people from a wide range of backgrounds to discuss austerity and plan the resistance. On Saturday 1 November 2014 we will meet again to discuss why austerity is failing, what the alternatives are, and how we can end it.

There will be speeches, discussions and performances. We will host workshops involving a range of groups and covering such topics as the NHS, education and the scapegoating of immigrants.

Tickets are now on sale from the Northern Stage box office.

11am-midday Morning Plenary:
Natalie Bennett (Leader, Green Party), Beth Farhat (Northern TUC Secretary), Linda Hobson (Newcastle Unison health branch secretary), Fazia Hussain-Brown (Unite regional organiser), Kevin McHugh (PCS deputy president), James Meadway (senior economist, new economics foundation)

12.15-1.30pm Workshops
Alternatives to Austerity: Andrew Fisher (economist and author of 'The Failed Experiment'), James Meadway (senior economist, new economics foundation)

Racism, immigration and UKIP: Cllr Dipu Ahad, Laura Pidcock (Show Racism the Red Card), Mick Bowman (Unite Against Fascism)

Cuts, climate change and the environment: Natalie Bennett (Leader, Green Party), Judith Kirton-Darling (Labour MEP for North East), Debbie Reed (Transition Tynedale)

Organising against cuts locally: Matthew Giles (South Tyneside People's Assembly), Mollie Stevenson (North Tyneside People's Assembly), Mark Tyers (Sunderland People's Assembly), Steve Cooke (Teesside People's Assembly)

Creative Resistance: art, austerity and protest - panel to be announced

2.30-3.45pm Workshops
Save our NHS: Joanna Adams (co-organiser, People's March for the NHS), Helen Groom (Keep Our NHS Public), David Wrigley (GP and health campaigner)

Stand up for Education: Kevin Courtney (NUT deputy general secretary), Gail Edwards (lecturer in education, Newcastle University), William Pinkney-Baird (Durham University student activist)

Women, austerity and resistance: Kate Fox (poet, comedian, journalist and broadcaster), Lizi Gray (women's officer, Northumbria University Students Union), Umme Imam (director, Angelou Centre)

Cut War not Welfare: Val Anthony (Campaign Against Arms Trade), Rev. Andii Bowsher (Martin Luther King Peace Committee), Alex Snowdon (Newcastle Stop the War Coalition)

The changing role of trade unions: Tony Dowling (Gateshead NUT), Fazia Hussain-Brown (Unite regional organiser), a Tyneside Safety Glass striker

4-5pm Afternoon Plenary:
Rehana Azam (co-organiser of People's March for the NHS and GMB organiser), Kevin Courtney (NUT deputy general secretary), Tony Dowling (Chair, North East People's Assembly), Judith Kirton-Darling (Labour MEP for North East), 1 more speaker to be announced

Our event also includes a great people's variety show in the evening, 6.30-9.30pm.
The People's Assembly Show will showcase a range of comedy, music, spoken word, dance and theatre. Performers include Kate Fox, Steffen Peddie, Mike Milligan, Pete Scott, Peculiar Disco Moves, Fertile Ground Dance, The Mayday Band & Backscratch Theatre, all of whom are generously offering their time for free in service of a good cause.

Tickets are now on sale from the Northern Stage box office.

£10 all-in-one ticket (£5 concessions)
£6 daytime only (£3 concessions)
£6 evening only (£3 concessions)
Information via the Facebook Event


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