
Thursday 19 May 2011

Protest on 4 June: Slutwalk Newcastle

One more reason to protest
Yesterday's remarks by Justice Secretary Ken Clarke (pictured), suggesting many cases of rape are not "serious", indicate why it's necessary for the Slutwalk phenomenon to take off in the UK. The new movement, primarily but not exclusively driven by young women, demands an end to blaming and shaming of the victims of sexual violence and harrassment. It takes a collective stand against institutional sexism.

Elly Badcock's article for Counterfire explains why - regardless of misgivings about those who see "slut" as a word worthy of reclaiming - everyone should support the protests. I'll be at the Cairo Conference on 4 June, but if you're around on the day then get along to the protest in Newcastle - or join the one nearest to you. 

Via Facebook Event:

'Inspired by our sisters in Toronto, 4th of June will be Newcastle's first SlutWalk!

After comments made by Officer Sanguinetti of the Toronto police force, his audience decided enough was enough and it was time to make a stand against the culture of blaming the victim in sexual assault cases.

We are not necessarily asking our attendees that they “dress like sluts” as this idea is subjective, so please come dressed however you like... and show your support. We welcome men, women, both and neither to march alongside us.

We intend to assemble at Grey's Monument at 12 o'clock and finish at/near Leazes Park, since June 4th is also the Green Festival. We will be marching in solidarity with those in London, Cardiff and Glasgow who are also holding events. See you on the streets!'


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