
Tuesday 7 December 2010

School Sports Partnerships: over 500,000 names on petition to Downing Street

A message from Christine Blower, National Union of Teachers (NUT) general secretary:

'Thank you and congratulations to all those who have participated in the campaign to save School Sports Partnerships. Today around 700 pupils, teachers and parents lobbied Parliament and delivered a petition of over half a million signatures to Number 10 Downing Street.

All your efforts so far have made the Government sit up and listen. They have led to a promise from the Prime Minister that some money will now be found for a continuation of the partnerships or a new version of them.

The NUT is campaigning against all cuts to front line education services, including in school sports, music and specialist services such as those to support the achievement of children and young people from minority ethnic backgrounds. Your support for these campaigns is crucial and is making a difference.'

For the background see HERE


1 comment:

  1. It is good that a union is involved in this proposed cut.
